Voice Recognition

Learning For All ~ Whatever It Takes!

Goal One

Goal One - Student Achievement

By the end of the 2017-2018 school year, all Tecumseh Local School Students (including all sub groups) in grades K-12 will score a minimum of a proficient level and/or demonstrate one year’s growth as demonstrated by district, state or national assessments.


Teachers will implement district approved clear learning targets and curriculum maps as measured by district, state, and / or national assessments that support the learning needs of all students.

Adult Implementation Indicators

  1. All teachers will support the learning needs of all students through a variety of strategies and materials to make learning accessible and challenging while following the district approved curriculum map as measured by classroom / curriculum visit data, lesson plans, and in Step 3 and Step 4 of the TBT meeting minutes. (Step 3 - Establish shared expectations for for implementing specific effective changes in the classroom. Step 4 - Implement changes consistently across all classrooms).

Student Performance Measures

  1. All students will demonstrate academic growth on formative and summative assessments.

Action Steps

  1. Monitor the utilization, appropriate usage and evidence that teachers are providing clear learning targets which students can articulate.

  2. Monitor the implementation of best practices, instructional strategies that demonstrate differentiation, interventions and extensions.

  3. Monitor the utilization of frequent and varied formative assessments.

  4. Monitor the administration of and analyze benchmark data. (K - ESGI Benchmarks, 1-8 - NWEA Maps, 9-12 Mastery Manager)
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